Wednesday, October 21, 2009

COUCH 2 5K and why I am doing it.

Okay let me start off by saying I am not a runner....yet. I would not define myself as a couch potato...if you read my profile you know I teach spinning classes. I am active however I am in a rut. A little history--sorry if this is boring but its my blog. :) I will keep it short and sweet. I have maintained a weight loss of 50lbs for over 10 years. I struggle and 2009 has been tough. ( this is a bit personal ) I went off birth control in Nov. 2008 because my husband and I are ready to start a family. Fast forward to May 2009. I have gained 10lbs and my periods stopped. JUST STOPPED. Fast forward through all the testing. I have PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. So we are continuing our trying to conceive journey but I wanted something else to focus on in addition to having a baby. In 2001 a friend convinced me to run a 1/2 marathon which I did proudly and happily but have not been able to pick up running since. I do have to watch my knees and even passed over reading about this program in the past by just saying--I am not a runner. After talking to my sister, who lives in CA, we decided just last night that we will do this program together!!!!

So today is:
Week 1 Day 1 10/21/09
I will continue track my progress here.

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